Yakumo Two Way Radio PT18 User Manual

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E l e c t r o n i c L e a r n i n g P r o d u c t s  
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Dear Parent/Guardian,  
Thank you for choosing the Oregon Scientific Accelerator PC Trainer Plus.  
Designed and engineered with extreme precision,  
the Accelerator PC Trainer Plus is packed full of learning,  
offering stimulating games and activities that  
make an invaluable contribution to your child’s development.  
Some of the activities to further your child’s skills include language,  
mathematics, music, memory and logical reasoning.  
The Accelerator PC Trainer Plus provides a dependable and  
realistic introduction to computers and  
encourages creativity and independent learning.  
Learning with Oregon Scientific is so much fun!  
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Table of Contents  
Chapter 1  
Chapter 8  
About your Accelerator PC Trainer Plus  
Chapter 2  
Getting Started  
Chapter 9  
Games and Game Codes  
Keyboarding Skills  
Chapter 3  
Useful Features and Controls  
Chapter 4  
Game Selection  
Chapter 5  
Game Rules  
Chapter 10  
Chapter 6  
Two-Player Mode  
Chapter 7  
Make a Selection and Submit Your Answer  
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Chapter 1  
About your Accelerator PC Trainer Plus  
Safety Catch  
The Accelerator PC  
60 Activities  
• 17Vocabulary/Spelling/  
Trainer Plus is supplied  
with the following parts.  
Please contact your retailer  
should any parts be missing.  
• 22 Math/Logic/Memory  
12 Games/Music  
• 9 Tools and Computer  
1 - Unit  
2 - Mouse  
3 - Mouse Pad  
4 - Instruction Manual  
• Large LCD Display  
• Digital Sound  
Contrast Switch  
• Increase learning potential  
with our Expansion Cards  
(each sold separately))  
Left Mouse  
Instruction Manual  
Smart Card  
Mouse Pad  
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Chapter 2  
Getting Started The Accelerator PC Trainer Plus operates on 4 AA size batteries (not included) or a 9V AC  
adaptor (sold separately).  
Battery Installation  
1. Make sure the unit is turned off.  
2. Using a Phillips-head screwdriver, open the battery cover at the back of the unit.  
3. Insert 4 “AA” batteries. (Note the correct polarity: +, - ).  
4. Replace the cover.  
AC Adaptor Connection  
• Do not mix different types of batteries or old and new batteries.  
• Only use batteries of the same or equivalent type as recommended.  
Plug the adaptor into the adaptor jack  
(center positive type) on the left side of the unit.  
Plug the adaptor into a wall outlet.  
• Remove all batteries when replacing.  
• Remove batteries from the unit if the unit is not going to be used  
for long periods of time.  
• Do not dispose of batteries in fire.  
• Do not recharge non-rechargeable batteries.  
• Rechargeable batteries are to be removed from the toy before  
being charged.  
• Rechargeable batteries are only to be charged under adult supervision.  
• Remove exhausted batteries from the toy.  
• Do not short-circuit the supply terminals.  
Pls. turn off the unit before plugging in the AC  
adaptor. Otherwise the unit may be damaged.  
• The unit must not be connected to a power supply greater than 9V.  
• Only use the recommended adaptor.  
• The adaptor is not a toy.  
• Do not short-circuit the supply terminals.  
• Toys liable to be cleaned with liquid are to be disconnected  
from the transformer before cleaning.  
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The learning PC will automatically turn itself off after about 5 minutes of no input from the player.  
Mouse jack  
Mouse Connection  
Ensure the unit is turned OFF. Slide back the mouse jack cover at the back of the unit  
and plug the mouse into the mouse jack.  
To ensure the mouse is kept clean, keep it on a clean mouse pad.  
Cleaning and Maintenance  
The unit should be regularly examined for damage to the cord, plug, enclosure and other parts. In the event of such  
damage, the unit must not be used with the adaptor until the damage has been repaired.  
Always disconnect the power supply before cleaning.  
Wipe the unit with a dry cloth.  
Do not get the unit wet.  
Do not dismantle the unit.  
Cleaning the Mouse  
Turn the round mouse-ball cover in a counter-clockwise direction and lift open the cover.  
Take the ball out, wipe the ball and the inside of the mouse with a dry cloth to clean out all the dust.  
Starting the Accelerator PC Trainer Plus  
Turn on your Accelerator PC Trainer Plus using the [On/Off] button located at the upper right corner of the  
At the end of your session, remember to turn off the power using the [On/Off] button.  
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Chapter 3  
Useful Features and Controls  
The Keyboard  
The keyboard operates in the same way as a real computer keyboard.  
The Mouse  
Move the mouse in the direction that you want to move the arrow cursor and click the left button on the desired  
selection. (See Chapter 7 -- How to Make a Selection and Submit Your Answer).  
The Cursor Buttons  
The directional cursor buttons are used to make a selection in some games.  
Cursor Arrow  
The mouse or the cursor buttons can control the cursor arrow.  
The Flashing Cursor  
This shows you the position in which the next keyboard entry will appear.  
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Expansion Cards (sold separately)  
Do not scratch or damage the metal contact plate of the Expansion Card.  
Only insert Accelerator PC Trainer Plus Expansion Cards into the Expansion  
Card drive.  
1. Plug the Accelerator PC Trainer Plus. Expansion Card into the Expansion Card drive  
on the right side of the unit.  
The current activity is interrupted and the Expansion Card animation begins.  
After the title screens, a menu screen appears. On this menu screen are two direction  
icons and a title of one of the activities included on the Expansion Card.  
2. Use the arrow cursor or directional cursor button to scroll through the titles.  
3. Press [Enter] to play the displayed activity.  
Smart Card  
Expansion questions for the following activities are included on each Expansion Card.  
Name of Expansion Card Activities  
Grammar Card  
Spelling Card  
Vocabulary Card  
Magic Act, Mark-It, Sounds Like  
Hear Here, Word Compactor, Space Escape  
Net Work, Plural-Eyes, Top Hat  
While the Expansion Card is plugged in, only those activities included on the Expansion Card are available. To  
play other games in the learning PC, unplug the Expansion Card.  
N.B.: If you purchase an older Expansion Card the activities written on the card will not match the actual  
expanded activities. The above list is the correct version.  
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When the [Demo] button is pressed, you will be shown a demonstration of some of the exciting features and activi-  
ties in your Accelerator PC Trainer Plus  
The volume level can be adjusted between high, middle and low. To toggle the volume hold down the [Ctrl] key  
and press F1.  
You can adjust the screen contrast to compensate for different lighting conditions.  
Hold down the [Ctrl] key and press F2. Each time it is pressed the contrast will increase it until it reaches the  
maximum level. Pressing the button again will make it return to the lowest contrast.  
Chapter 4  
Game Selection  
You can select a game by pressing the [Esc] key and entering the two digit game code.  
Game Selection  
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Chapter 5  
Game Rules  
Game questions come in groups of 10. You will be given three attempts to answer each question.  
Points are awarded according to the number of attempts taken to answer each question correctly.  
Time Limit  
Each attempt to answer a question is timed (1 minute for levels 1 to 4, 45 seconds for level 5). If you are  
unable to answer the question in the allotted time period, it is counted as an incorrect attempt. The clock resets  
after each incorrect attempt.  
If the question is answered correctly in the first attempt, 10 points are awarded.  
If the question is answered correctly in the second attempt, 6 points are awarded.  
If the question is answered correctly in the third attempt, 3 points are awarded.  
Score 85 points or higher after a group of 10 questions to go to the next HIGHER level of difficulty.  
Score 60 points or lower, to go to the next LOWER level of difficulty.  
Press the Help button to get a clue for the question. You can only use two helps per question and a point will be  
deducted for each one used.  
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Repeat Button  
Press the repeat button to hear the instruction prompt again. On some games you will hear the question word again.  
Summary Screen  
After each question a summary screen will appear to tell you how well you scored on the last  
question (Question Points) and how well you are doing on the level so far (Game Total).  
Winning a Game  
Beat level 5 with a score of 85 or more to win the game. Good luck!  
Summary Screen  
Chapter 6  
Two-Player Mode  
Go to two-player mode by pressing [Player1/2]. Return to one-player mode by pressing [Player1/2] again .  
Most games follow a basic format in the two-player mode. The left cursor button is the Player 1 button,  
and the right cursor button is the Player 2 button.  
The game proceeds similar to the one-player mode except the  
players must compete to answer the questions.  
The first player to hit his/her button is awarded an attempt to answer the question.  
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1. If the first player answers the question correctly, points are awarded to the first player, and the game continues.  
If the first player answers the question incorrectly, the second player is invited to answer the question.  
2. If the second player is correct, points are awarded to the second player, and the game continues.  
3. If the second player is incorrect, the correct answer is revealed, and the game continues.  
Chapter 7  
How to Make a Selection and Submit Your Answer  
In some games, you must select your answer from a list shown  
on the screen.  
Arrow Cursor  
Method 1 - Selecting the Answer with the Directional Cursor Key  
1. Use the directional cursor key to move the highlight over the chosen  
2. Press the [Enter] button once.  
Directional Cursor Key  
Method 2 - Selecting the Answer with the Mouse  
1. Use the mouse to move the arrow cursor over the chosen  
2. Press the left mouse button once.  
Left Mouse  
Arrow Cursor  
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Method 3 - Selecting the Answer with the Keyboard  
Press the letter key that corresponds to the choice.  
Method 4 - Typing the Answer with the Keyboard  
In some cases you must use the keyboard to type in your answer.  
Chapter 8  
Sometimes there is more information than can be displayed on the screen.  
In some cases, there is a scrollbar. Move the cursor arrow over the arrow tips on  
the scroll bar, and press the left cursor button. You can also move the highlight  
with the up and down arrow keys to scroll.  
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Chapter 9  
(Games and Game Codes)  
(01) Spell Time  
An animated vocabulary word is displayed and you are asked to spell the word.  
Type the word into the spaces using the letter keys.  
(02) Word Jumble  
An animation is displayed and then the word appears with the letters all scrambled  
up. Type the correct spelling in the spaces using the letter keys.  
(03) Spare Parts  
A word appears with an extra letter in it. Move the mechanical hand using the  
directional cursor key. Press [Enter] or the left cursor key to select the letter to remove.  
(04) Jump ‘N Spell  
After the animation is displayed the letters of the word are shown mixed up at  
the bottom of the screen. The first letter will flash.  
Using the directional cursor keys move the letter to the top of the screen where  
the spaces are.  
Press [Enter] or the left cursor button to confirm its position. If the position is  
wrong you can press [Back Space] or [Delete] to return it to the bottom row. If  
you hit a monster your letter will appear at the bottom again.  
(05) Letter Maze  
After the animated vocabulary word is shown a grid of letters is displayed. The  
first letter in the word is flashing. Using the directional cursor button move  
the flashing highlight through the grid to spell out the word correctly.  
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(06) Cook Book  
Letters fall down from the top of the screen inside fried eggs. You can move the fry-  
ing pan using the directional cursor key. Try to collect only the letters that are used  
in the animated word.  
If you miss a letter it will appear in the correct space but you will not score any  
points for it. If you drop three correct letters or catch three wrong letters the ques-  
tion will be over.  
(07) Alphabet Jigsaw  
The letters of the alphabet are displayed in the wrong order at the top of the screen.  
Using the directional cursor key to move the highlight, select the letters in alphabet-  
ic order. Press [Enter] or the left cursor key to select your letter.  
You can also use the mouse to select the letters with the arrow cursor. Press the left  
mouse button to select the letter underneath the arrow cursor.  
(08) Space Escape  
Guess the hidden word by typing in letters. Each time you guess the letter correctly  
it will appear in the right space in the word and the space ship will move further  
away from the black hole  
If your letter is not in the word the letter will appear at the bottom of the screen and  
the space ship will move closer to the black hole. If you guess 10 wrong letters the  
question will be over.  
(09) Double Space Escape  
Two-player Space Escape! Players take it in turns to guess each other’s words.  
Player two types in a word for player one to guess and then presses [Enter]  
Player one tries to guess the word one letter at a time.  
After player one has tried or failed to guess the word they type in a word for player  
two to guess.  
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(10) Sounds Like  
After an animated vocabulary word appears, four other words are displayed on  
the screen. Select the word that rhymes with the animated word.  
Make your choice by moving the cursor arrow over it with the mouse or the  
directional cursor key. Press the left mouse button or the left cursor key to  
confirm the selection.  
You can also select the word by pressing the letter keys A, B, C or D.  
(11) Top Hat  
You have to find the word that has the opposite meaning from the word at the  
top of the screen.  
Words scroll down the middle of the screen. When the word you want appears in the  
highlight at the bottom of the screen press the left cursor key or the [Enter] key to  
select it.  
(12) Word Compactor  
Remove a letter from the displayed word to form a new word. Select the letter  
with the directional cursor key. Press the [Enter] to confirm your choice.  
You can also select the letter by moving the arrow cursor over it with the mouse.  
Press the left mouse button to confirm your choice.  
(13) Net Work  
Listen carefully to the instruction prompt. It will ask you catch nouns, verbs or  
Different words scroll across the top of the screen. Identify the word you want to  
catch and press the [Enter] key or the left cursor key when the word is above the net.  
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(14) Mark-It  
A sentence with missing punctuation scrolls across the bottom of the screen.  
There are four punctuation marks above it. Select the mark you think would  
make the sentence correct and move the arrow cursor over it with the mouse or  
directional cursor key.  
Press [Enter] or the left cursor key to confirm your selection.  
(15) “Plural-Eyes”  
A noun appears at the top of the screen. Type in the plural form underneath using  
the letter keys. The plural form is the word you use to describe the object when  
there is more than one.  
(16) Hear Here  
A sentence with a missing word scrolls across the bottom of the screen. There  
are two words above this that sound the same but are spelled differently.  
Using the directional cursor button highlight the word you think correctly  
completes the sentence.  
Press the [Enter] key or the left cursor key to confirm your choice.  
(17) Magic Act  
A sentence scrolls across the bottom of the screen. One of the letters should  
be capitalized. When the letter you want to capitalize is under the wand  
at the far left of the screen, press the [Enter] button or the left cursor key.  
Keyboard Skills  
(18) Hose Down  
Letters move across the top of the screen. Move the water sprinkler using the  
directional cursor key. Type the letter when the sprinkler is underneath to squirt  
it away. Try to squirt all the letters before they reach the bottom of the screen.  
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(19) Type Right  
Learn how to touch type! Follow the instructions and type the letters using  
the correct fingers. The hand animation shows you which finger to use for  
each letter. Try to do it without looking at the keyboard!  
(20) Boat Race  
A row of letters scrolls across the top of the screen. Type the letters to move  
your boat across the screen. Try to beat the letters to the finishing line.  
(21) Sprint  
Type the letters that scroll across the bottom of the screen. If you get them all  
right the runner will jump the hurdles. If you get them wrong the runner will  
move off the screen.  
(22) Letter Twist  
A centipede of letters winds its way across the screen. Type the letters to make  
them disappear before they reach the other side of the screen.  
(23) Addition  
Work out the answer to the equation and type it in using the number keys. The  
answer is submitted from right to left (units, tens, hundreds). If you want to  
change the direction of entry, press the space bar before you type your answer.  
(24) Subtraction  
Work out the answer to the equation and type it in using the number keys.  
The answer is submitted from right to left (units, tens, hundreds). If you want  
to change the direction of entry, press the space bar before you type your answer.  
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(25) Multiplication  
Work out the answer to the equation and type it in using the number keys.  
The answer is submitted from right to left (units, tens, hundreds). If you want  
to change the direction of entry, press the space bar before you type your answer.  
(26) Division  
Work out the answer to the equation and type it in using the number keys.  
The answer is submitted from left to right (hundreds, tens, units). If you want to  
change the direction of entry, press the space bar before you type your answer.  
(27) Balancing Act  
Listen carefully to the instruction prompt. It will ask you find the equation with  
either the largest or the smallest value.  
Select the equation with the directional cursor key and submit it with the [Enter]  
key or the left cursor key.  
You can also use the mouse to select an equation. Press the left mouse button to  
select the equation underneath the arrow cursor.  
(28) Bingo  
There is a bingo card on the right of the screen and equations appear on the left.  
Find the number on the card that answers the equation and click on it with the left  
mouse button. You can also use the directional cursor key to move the arrow  
cursor and select a number with the left cursor key.  
There are two cards per level. In higher levels not all the numbers on the card are  
(29) What’s Missing?  
An equation with a missing number is displayed on the screen. Select the number  
to fill the gap from the row of numbers at the bottom of the screen. Move the arrow  
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cursor with the mouse or the directional cursor key. Select the number by pressing  
the left mouse button or the left cursor key.  
(30) Follow the Signs  
There are two equations on the left of the screen with a missing relationship sign.  
Choose a relationship sign and highlight it with the directional cursor key. Press  
[Enter] or the left cursor key to confirm your choice.  
Choose > if the equation on the left is bigger than the one on the right.  
Choose < if the equation on the left is smaller than the one on the right.  
Choose = if the equations have the same value.  
You can also use the mouse to control the arrow cursor. Click the left mouse button  
when the arrow is over the sign to confirm your choice.  
(31) Number Works  
An equation with a missing operation sign moves across the screen on a conveyor  
belt. Choose an operation sign to complete the equation. The operation signs are  
written above the equation. When the gap in the equation is underneath the sign that  
you have chosen, press the [Enter] key or the left cursor key.  
(32) Count Down  
An equation appears at the bottom of the screen. You have a few seconds to look at  
it before the clock ticks down. When the clock starts counting down enter the equa-  
tion as fast as you can. You get more points if you answer the question quickly.  
(33) Fun Run  
Runners holding numbers move across the screen from right to left. Remember the  
sequence of numbers and type it in the spaces provided.  
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(34) High Light  
A number if objects appear on the screen for a few seconds. Look at them carefully  
and memorize them.  
A few more objects then appear on the screen. Use the arrow cursor to select only the  
objects that first appeared.  
(35) Selective Memory  
A number of animated vocabulary words are shown on the screen in a random order.  
Try to remember the order.  
Listen carefully to the instruction prompt that tells you to select one of the words  
depending on when it appeared. Select the word with the arrow cursor or by pressing  
one of the letter keys.  
(36) Pair Up  
A grid of objects is displayed for a short while and then the objects are covered with  
tiles. The objects are all in pairs.  
Uncover the objects one pair at a time using the arrow cursor. Click the arrow  
cursor on the first object in the pair and then click the second object. When you  
uncover the second to last pair the last pair will be revealed automatically.  
(37) Creature Feature  
An animal is shown onscreen for a short while. You are then shown four different  
animals. Identify the one that you first saw and select it with the arrow cursor.  
(38) Place Your Order  
Objects appear in the top row of the screen one at a time. Remember the order they  
appeared in and select them in the same order using the arrow cursor. When they are  
selected they will appear in the bottom row.  
If you made a mistake you can return the objects to the top row by pressing the  
[Back Space] button.  
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(39) Clothesline  
A row of shirts on a clothesline appears on the screen. Numbers are written on  
all the shirts apart from one of them. The numbers form a logical sequence. Work  
out the missing number and type it in using the number keys.  
(40) Small Change  
Four animals appear on the screen. One of them is slightly different from the  
others. Work out which one it is and select it with the arrow cursor.  
(41) Navigator  
A grid of fish and whirlpools appears on the screen. One of the fish is flashing.  
Using the directional cursor key move the highlight through the grid to pick up  
all the fish. Do not move onto a whirlpool or a space where you have already been.  
(42) Book Stacker  
A stack of books appears on the left of the screen. You must move the stack,  
one book at a time, to a free column.  
Select the top book of a stack by pressing the [Enter] key or the left cursor key  
when a stand is highlighted. Move the highlight to a different column using the  
directional cursor keys. Press [Enter] or the left cursor key and the book will  
move to the highlighted column.  
You cannot place a larger book on top of a smaller book.  
When you start a game the first column is already highlighted.  
(43) Code Breaker  
The Accelerator PC Trainer Plus makes up a pattern of four letters that you have to  
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1. Make a guess by keying in a row of four letters using the letter buttons from  
A to D. When you enter the last shape the Accelerator PC Trainer Plus will  
tell you how good your guess was by putting circles next to your guess.  
2. A black circle means that one of the letters in your guess is in the right place.  
3. A white circle means that one of the letters in your guess is the correct letter  
but in the wrong position.  
4. If you get a blank then one of the letters in your guess is not in the pattern.  
5. Use these clues to guess the pattern correctly. You have 10 guesses.  
When you get to your fourth guess the screen will scroll up. You can use the  
up and down scroll arrows on the right of the screen to go back to your see  
previous guesses.  
(44) Follow Me  
Four lights are shown on the screen. One of the lights will highlight and a tone  
will play. Repeat the tone by pressing the corresponding number key or by  
clicking on the light with the mouse pointer.  
The pattern will be repeated and an extra tone will be added on to the end. Try  
to remember the pattern and repeat it as it is built up one tone at a time.  
If you lose all your lives on any of the Game activities you will be returned to level 1.  
(45) Moon Shot  
Guide the spacecraft to the landing site in between the mountains. You can control  
the spacecraft with the directional cursor key. Try not to hit the mountains.  
The speed of the spacecraft is shown at the top right of the screen. You can land  
the spacecraft safely when the speed is 4 or below. The landing pad will flash  
when the speed is safe to land the spacecraft. Slow the spacecraft down by  
pressing "up" on the directional cursor key.  
On higher levels the wind is stronger.  
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(46) Sidewinder  
Control the snake with the directional cursor key to pick up the food. Do not hit  
the walls or the tail of the snake. The food is a small cross. Every time you eat  
some food the snake grows longer. On higher levels there are more obstacles to  
(47) Black Hole  
There is a box with bouncing stars in it. Each time a star hits the edge of the box  
a hole will appear. You control the hole-repairer using the directional cursor key.  
Move the repairer around the box and press the [Enter] key or the left cursor key  
to fill in the holes. More stars will appear over time and on higher levels the stars  
move faster.  
(48) Tri-Fall  
Icons scroll across the top of the screen from the right. They will drop into the  
columns unless the platform is in the way. You control the moveable platform  
with the directional cursor key. Try to fill in the columns by building up rows of  
three identical icons horizontally, vertically or diagonally.  
(49) Quick Draw  
You control the pencil cursor with the directional cursor keys. Draw lines to join  
up the dots in the box. When you fill in a section it will turn dark. Try to avoid  
the bouncing viruses in the box and fill in as much of the box as possible.  
(50) Mouse Hole  
Help the mice cross the holes. You control a moveable platform with the direc-  
tional cursor key. Move the platform to cover the hole before the mice cross  
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(51) Rhythm Section  
Using the number keys 1 to 4 build up a rhythm and then hear it played back. 1  
plays a bass drum, 2 plays a snare drum, 3 plays the closed hi-hat and 4 plays the  
open hi-hat.  
Add a rest (pause) by clicking the R button with the arrow cursor. The C button will  
clear the pattern and the triangular play button will playback the rhythm you have  
(52) Tone Clone  
The Accelerator PC Trainer Plus plays a melody, building it up one note at a time.  
You have to repeat the melody by playing the letter keys corresponding to the  
displayed note. Each time it plays through the melody another note will be added.  
You can also click the arrow cursor on the notes onscreen.  
(53) Pattern Play  
Choose a melody to listen to. Scroll through the list of songs with the directional  
cursor keys, left and right. Press [Enter] or the left cursor key to select the melody.  
When the melody is playing you can make the pattern on the screen change by  
pressing different letter keys.  
(54) Composer  
Write a piece of music one note at a time. Press the numbers 1 to 6 to choose  
different instrument sounds. Use the letter keys corresponding to the notes on the  
screen to play your melody.  
Add a rest (pause) by clicking the R button with the arrow cursor. The C button will  
clear the pattern and the triangular play button will playback the rhythm you have  
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(55) Music Tutor  
Learn how to read music!  
First select whether you want to learn note names or note lengths by clicking on  
the game type button with the arrow cursor.  
Note Names: Select whether you want to learn treble clef notes or bass clef notes by  
clicking on one of the staves.  
Click on a note and the Accelerator PC Trainer Plus will tell you what the note is  
Note Lengths: Click on one of the different note types to hear what length it is.  
(56) Name That Note  
Test yourself on your music knowledge!  
There are two different game types, Note Quiz or Musical Math. Select one by  
clicking on one of the boxes.  
Note Quiz: A staff with one note on it is shown on the screen. Type in the name of  
the note with the letter keys, A to G. Make sure you check which clef it is!  
Musical Math: See how well you know your note lengths! At the top of the screen  
is an equation made up of musical notes. One of the notes is missing from the  
equation. Underneath is a row of possible answers. Choose the note that will  
complete the equation correctly and click the arrow cursor on it.  
(57) Calculator  
Type in an equation using the keyboard or click the arrow cursor on the numbers  
and mathematical signs on the screen.  
Press the [Enter] button to see the answer.  
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(58) Screen Saver  
The Accelerator PC Trainer Plus will display a screen saver if you do not input  
anything for a while. Choose the screen saver from the list by clicking the arrow  
cursor on its name to highlight it. You can click the View button to see  
what it will look like.  
(59) Language Lesson  
Learn how to say useful phrases and words in different languages.  
A list of English phrases appears on the screen. Move the highlight up and down  
the list with the directional cursor key. Click Enter to choose the phrase. You can  
also scroll through the list with the scroll bar and click the mouse cursor on the  
After you choose a phrase select a language in the same way to hear how it  
sounds. Press the [Esc] key to return to the phrase list.  
(60) Animationary  
You can view the animated vocabulary words in the Accelerator PC Trainer Plus  
Scroll down the list with the scroll arrows and click on a word to view the  
PT18-Manual (US) 6/14/02 5:53 PM Page 29  
Chapter 10  
Before contacting an authorized service center at 1-800-853-8883, carry out the following simple checks.  
They may save you the time and expense of an unnecessary service call.  
No display  
Is the power supply connected?  
Are the batteries installed properly?  
Do the batteries need replacing?  
Difficult or no response from the mouse  
Is the ball of the mouse and mouse pad clean and free from dust?  
Is the mouse connected correctly?  
Black-out screen or abnormal display  
Disconnect the power supply by removing batteries or disconnecting the adaptor for at least  
10 seconds before connecting the power supply again.  
In an environment prone to static discharge, the unit may malfunction and require the user to reset the unit by press-  
ing the reset button on the bottom of the unit.  
Developing learning products is a responsibility that we take very seriously.  
We make every effort to ensure the accuracy and appropriateness of the information that forms the value of our  
products. However, errors can sometimes occur. It is important for you to know that we stand behind our products  
and we encourage you to call our Consumer Services Department at 1-800-853-8883 with any problems and/or sug-  
gestions that you might have. Our service representative will be happy to help you.  
Conforms to safety requirements of ASTM F963, EN71 Parts 1,2 and 3 and EN50088.  
In an effort to continually improve our products, the actual screen display on product may differ slightly from the  
diagrams shown.  
PT18-Manual (US) 6/14/02 5:53 PM Page 30  
Accessories available for this Learning Computer (Sold separately)  
Expansion Cards for Accelerator  
Expansion Card 1  
Grammar Card  
Increase the challenge of grammar and punctuation activities with cool new questions.  
Expansion Card 2  
Spelling Card  
Expand spelling excitement with the new questions from this spelling upgrade.  
Expansion Card 3  
Vocabulary Card  
New questions add upgraded fun to vocabulary activities.  
N.B.: If you purchase an older Expansion Card the activities written on the card will not match the actual expand-  
ed activities.  
AC Adaptor  
(9 VOLT 300mA)  
PT18-Manual (US) 6/14/02 5:53 PM Page 31  
Oregon Scientific, Inc.  
19861 SW 95th Place  
Tualatin, OR 97062  
Tel: 503 639 8883  
Fax: 503 684 8883  
Look for us on the World Wide Web!  
Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority  
to operate the equipment.  
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC  
Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This  
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,  
may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a  
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by  
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:  
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.  
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio TV technician for help.  
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.”  
Cet appareil mumérique de la class B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada”  
P/N : 086-000741-017  

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